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Cushioning Foam Division

Flexible polyurethane foam is produced from a reaction of two key chemicals, a polyol and an isocyanate with water. These are mixed together vigorously in high intensity mixers in specific amounts with other ingredients, and the foam reaction begins almost immediately. Bubbles are formed, and the mixture expands. It has been compared to bread rising. In a matter of minutes, the reaction is complete.

Although the process used to create all polyurethane foams is similar, foams can vary by weight, density, color, resiliency, air flow, combustibility, and feel.

Other types of foam, such as polyethylene foam, vary in their production, but are generally produced by a heated mixture of ingredients that are extruded and expand to form sheets or other profile forms.

IFSCO’s Cushioning Division is committed to ensuring that all of our foam products meet the highest industry specifications, and we regularly communicate with our suppliers to ensure that our foam meets all expectations and relevant legal standards such as California Technical Bulletin 117 (Cal 117 flammability standard for residential upholstered furniture), California Technical Bulletin 133 (Cal 133 flammability standard for upholstered furniture), Washington State Law RCW 70.76 (enforced by the Washington Department of Ecology restricting the use of PBDE flame retardants in common household products), FTC Guidelines for Environmental Marketing Claims, as well as other relevant State and Federal laws.

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